bucket list

I never create a bucket list, but this is a perfect opportunity for think on the activities that i like do before i die, before I die I would like to do many things, but the list would never be finished, so I will write those activities that I consider to be more important:
- Drive a formula 1 car even if only for one lap.
- Go to disneyland in the United States.
- Work in all  work for one day.
- Travel for the world for 1 year.
- End inequality and overthrow the neoliberal system.
- Build a house in the forest totally made by me without anyone's intervention
- Live with the emperor penguins in the antarctic for a month
- See Union San Felipe win the Copa Libertadores
I think the most difficult is to end neoliberalism, since it is a system that is established for a long time. In my wish list I have already fulfilled some to some extent, such as knowing many places in Chile, this has helped me a lot the geography. i like fullfil this bucket list whit the company of my friends and my family. a dream or desire that I would like to fulfill in the not so distant future is to study another career that is completely different from geography, in order to know another way of understanding the world, knowing other totally different perspectives


  1. go on a trip to disneyland and destroy Neoliberalism
    Sounds interesting xDDD


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